WWF Championship Wrestling – 1980 Results
1/1/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana defeated Billy Coleman
Ken Patera defeated Steve King
Dominic DeNucci defeated Angelo Gomez
Larry Zbyszko defeated Ron Lee
Rene Goulet defeated JoJo Andrews (Goulet’s return match)
Hulk Hogan defeated Billy Berger
1/1/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
1/12/80 – featured a closing segment in which Vince McMahon spoke with Bruno Sammartino about Larry Zbyszko’s challenge, with Sammartino saying no because it would be like wrestling his younger brother:
Larry Zbyszko defeated JoJo Andrews via submission at 3:42 with a Boston Crab; after the match, Vince McMahon conducted a ringside interview with Zbyszko and asked about his reluctance to be interviewed by his trainer Bruno Sammartino, with Zbyszko stating that he doesn’t dislike Bruno, but he would never be able to become a ring veteran as long as he stood in Bruno’s shadow as his protege, with Zbyszko then demanding to face Sammartino in a scientific wrestling match and prove he is the better man
The Wild Samoans defeated Charlie Brown & Dominic DeNucci
Hussein Arab defeated Ben Ortiz
Bobby Duncum defeated Joe Mascara
Rene Goulet defeated Ron Lee
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Angelo Gomez & Johnny Rivera in a handicap match at 2:13 when Gomez submitted to a bearhug
1/1/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
1/19/80 – included the Bob Backlund vs. Mr. X match from the 3/31/79 All Star Wrestling:
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson defeated JoJo Andrews; after the bout, Sammartino interviewed Patterson about his recent separation from Capt. Lou Albano
Rene Goulet defeated Ben Ortiz
Hulk Hogan defeated Joe Mascara
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Dominic DeNucci & Johnny Rivera at 5:37 when Sika pinned Rivera following a double headbutt; after the bout, Rivera was taken out on a stretcher as a result of landing on his head following a botched sunset flip attempt, while Vince McMahon interviewed Albano at ringside as he was being carried out
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Angelo Gomez via submission at 3:04 with the swinging full nelson
1/22/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
1/26/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
The Wild Samoans defeated Mike Masters & Charlie Brown
Larry Zbyszko pinned John Beauford with a suplex at 3:09; after the bout, Zbyszko called for Vince McMahon to interview him at ringside so he could discuss Bruno Sammartino’s recent rejection to face him in the ring; moments later, Zbyszko said if he couldn’t face Sammartino then he would not wrestle again, adding he couldn’t stand to remain in the shadows any longer; Sammartino appeared moments later and said while he did previously say he wouldn’t wrestle Zbyszko he also didn’t want to be responsible for ending Zbyszko’s career; he then said he would face Zbyszko but his goal was not to beat Zbyszko because his heart isn’t into it and he loved Zbyszko as one of his brothers; Zbyszko then said he couldn’t ask for anything more and the match was announced for the following week
Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Joe Mascara
WWF Tag Team Champions Tito Santana & Ivan Putski defeated Jose Estrada & Davey O’Hannon at 6:51 when Santana pinned Estrada with a flying bodypress off the top
Rene Goulet pinned Johnny Rodz with a small package at 3:36
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Fred Marzino & Paul Mauret at 1:36 in a handicap match via submission after picking both men up in a bearhug at the same time
1/22/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
2/2/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon:
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Fred Marzino via submission with the swinging full nelson at 2:07; after the match, Marzino was taken backstage on a stretcher
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson pinned Jose Estrada at 7:03 with a sunset flip
Hulk Hogan defeated Angelo Gomez
Bruno Sammartino defeated Larry Zbyszko via disqualification at 9:34 when Zbyszko threw the referee to the floor and hit Sammartino in the head with a wooden chair three times, busting him open (Best of the WWF Vol. 1)
Tony Atlas pinned Johnny Rodz at 4:37 with a headbutt from the middle turnbuckle; prior to the bout, two referees wiped Bruno Sammartino’s blood, caused from the previous match, from the mat
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) pinned Steve King with a bulldog
1/22/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
2/9/80 – Vince McMahon hosted the show alone, saying that Bruno Sammartino was still recovering from the previous weeks attack by Larry Zbyszko; featured a pre-recorded interview of McMahon in the empty arena with Bruno Sammartino, taped the day after the attack by Zbyszko:
WWF Tag Team Champions Tito Santana & Ivan Putski defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & John Beauford at 8:13 when Beauford submitted to Putski’s bearhug
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Steve King via submission at 4:54 with the swinging neckbreaker
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Joe Mascara & Manny Siaca at 2:37 in a handicap match by pinning Siaca with an elbow drop
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Johnny Rodz & Mike Masters at 7:44 when Afa pinned Masters following the Samoan Drop
Hussein Arab (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Angelo Gomez at 3:17 with a double underhook suplex; prior to the bout, Hussein performed a demonstration with his Persian club; after the bout, Vince McMahon announced on commentary that Baron Mikel Scicluna would face Steve Keirn the following week
2/13/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Wild Samoans defeated Dominic DeNucci & John Beauford
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Charlie Brown & Steve King in a handicap match at 4:19 after King submitted to the swinging full nelson after first applying the hold on Brown
Hulk Hogan defeated Bill Berger
WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana defeated Davey O’Hannon & JoJo Andrews
Larry Zbyszko pinned Mike Masters with a suplex at 3:58; during the bout, Bruno Sammartino left the broadcast position in disgust, not wanting to commentate on the match; following a commercial break, Vince McMahon interviewed Zbyszko at ringside
2/13/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
2/23/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson pinned Jose Estrada at 6:32 with a kneedrop off the top; Bruno Sammartino joined for commentary midway through the match
WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski pinned Ron Lee at 5:22 with the Polish Hammer
Larry Sharpe defeated Steve King at 3:04
Rene Goulet pinned Johnny Rodz at 9:46; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Goulet at ringside
Larry Zbyszko pinned Billy Berger at 5:29 with a suplex
Tony Atlas pinned BB Coleman at 3:36
2/13/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
The Wild Samoans defeated Mike Masters & Steve King at 5:35
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated John Beauford via submission at 5:28 with the swinging full nelson
Rene Goulet defeated JoJo Andrews
Lone Eagle & Cowboy Lang defeated Little Tokyo & Dirty Morgan at 9:52 when Eagle pinned Tokyo
WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Jose Estrada at 7:06 when Santana pinned Estrada with a dropkick
Hulk Hogan defeated Manny Siaca at 3:58
2/12/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
3/8/80 – included a reairing of the Gorilla Monsoon / Muhammad Ali altercation from 6/1/76:
Hulk Hogan defeated Steve King
WWF Tag Team Champion Ivan Putski pinned JoJo Andrews at 2:36 with the Polish Hammer
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet & Mike Masters at 7:31 when Afa pinned Masters with the Samoan Drop; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Albano & the Samoans at ringside, with Albano saying he would put his reputation on the line that the Samoans would be the next tag team champions
Larry Sharpe defeated John Beauford
WWF Tag Team Champion Tito Santana pinned BB Coleman at 2:44 with a backbreaker over the knee
3/5/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF Tag Team Champions Tito Santana & Ivan Putski defeated Jose Estrada & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 7:18 when Santana pinned Estrada with a sunset flip
Women’s Champion the Fabulous Moolah & Vivian St. John defeated Cindy Majors & Wenonah Littleheart at 8:41 when Moolah pinned Littleheart after she missed a flying bodypress from the middle turnbuckle
Johnny Rodz pinned Angelo Gomez at 3:04 with a piledriver
The Wild Samoans defeated Rene Goulet & Dominic DeNucci via count-out at 5:11 following a double headbutt on DeNucci which knocked him out of the ring
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Mike Masters via submission with the swinging full nelson at 4:06
Larry Sharpe defeated Steve King at 2:51
3/5/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet defeated Johnny Rodz & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 9:51 when Patterson pinned Rodz following three dropkicks
Larry Sharpe pinned Frank Williams at 7:11 with a powerslam
Davey O’Hannon pinned Angelo Gomez at 3:06 with a reverse neckbreaker
Larry Zbyszko pinned Steve King at 5:26 with a suplex
Dominic DeNucci pinned Jose Estrada at 5:02 with a sunset flip
Hulk Hogan defeated Mike Masters via submission with a bearhug at 2:40
3/25/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Dominic DeNucci & Mike Masters at 8:32 when Masters was pinned with the Samoan Drop
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson defeated Marc Pole at 6:11
Ox Baker (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Charlie Brown at 2:12 (Baker’s debut)
Bobby Duncum (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet via count-out at 4:15 after Duncum moved out of the way when Goulet attempted a splash in the corner and went over the top rope to the floor
Tor Kamata defeated Steve King at 6:01 (Kamata’s return)
Hulk Hogan defeated Angelo Gomez at 2:50
3/25/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
4/5/80 – included a reairing of the Bob Backlund vs. Strong Kobayashi match from the 5/27/78 Championship Wrestling:
Larry Zbyszko defeated Frank Williams at 5:56
Ox Baker (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Paul Figueroa at 2:43
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Jose Estrada via submission with the swinging full nelson at 4:03; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Patera & Wizard at ringside
Dominic DeNucci & Rene Goulet defeated Frank Savage & Davey O’Hannon 6:25
Tor Kamata (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Charlie Brown at 2:50 following a dropkick and several kneedrops
3/25/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Dominic DeNucci defeated Johnny Rodz at 7:36
Andre the Giant defeated Paul Mauret & Bimbo Larson in a handicap match at 2:11
Ox Baker (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Steve King at 2:53
Larry Sharpe pinned Mike Masters at 6:49 with the piledriver
Rene Goulet defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna via disqualification at 6:08 after the referee caught Scicluna using a foreign object which he had kept hiding; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Goulet at ringside
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Frank Williams via submission at 2:33 with a bearhug
4/15/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
4/19/80 – included the Tony Atlas vs. BB Coleman match from the 10/27/79 Championship Wrestling:
Tor Kamata (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Mike Masters at 4:21 with a dropkick and a splash
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund vs. Jose Estrada; this was a 10-minute exhibition match where both (mostly Backlund) would be demonstrating holds and scientific wrestling, and not trying to win the match, and no decision would be made
Dominic DeNucci pinned Paul Mauret at 3:11 with a giant swing
Pedro Morales defeated Marc Pole via submission with the Boston Crab at 2:08 (Morales’ return after a 5-year absence)
Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Rene Goulet via count-out at 6:21 after dumping him over the top rope with a backdrop; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Patera & Wizard at ringside (4/16/80; Hamburg, PA)
4/15/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
4/26/80 – included the WWF Tag Team Champions Ivan Putski & Tito Santana vs. Wild Samoans title change from the 4/12/80 Philadelphia Spectrum show, shown in full, with Vince McMahon taping new commentary for the match; featured a Tony Atlas workout video, originally aired in Georgia, with Bruno Sammartino providing commentary over the video explaining everything:
Rene Goulet pinned Johnny Rodz at 8:26 with a sunset flip
Tor Kamata (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Charlie Brown at 2:57 with a splash off the top; after the bout, Brown was taken out on a stretcher
Larry Sharpe pinned Rick Stallone at 3:34 with a piledriver
WWF IC Champion Pat Patterson pinned Jose Estrada at 5:01 with a reverse roll up into a bridge
4/15/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
5/3/80 – included the Tony Atlas vs. Moose Monroe match from the 11/3/79 Championship Wrestling:
Larry Zbyszko pinned Joe Mascara with a suplex at 6:01
Pedro Morales pinned Jose Estrada with a backslide at 5:36; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Morales at ringside
El Olympico defeated Paul Mauret
Rene Goulet & Dominic DeNucci defeated Johnny Rodz & Frank Williams
Larry Sharpe defeated Manny Siaca
5/6/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
5/10/80 – included Vince McMahon interviewing WWF IC Champion Ken Patera & the Grand Wizard at ringside, where footage was shown of Patera winning the IC title from Pat Patterson on 4/21 in Madison Square Garden, with Patera & Wizard adding their own commentary as the footage was being shown; included highlights of the Bruno Sammartino vs. Larry Zbyszko match from the 4/21 Madison Square Garden show; included the Tony Atlas vs. Ron Lee match from the 8/18/79 Championship Wrestling:
Rick McGraw defeated Jose Estrada at 6:54 (McGraw’s TV debut)
Tor Kamata defeated Frank Williams at 6:38
Pedro Morales defeated Moose Monroe at 4:01
5/6/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Rick McGraw pinned Johnny Rodz with a flying crossbody at 8:19
Larry Sharpe pinned Paul Mauret at 4:57 with a piledriver
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Dominic DeNucci at 6:19 in a non-title match with a rolling cradle and both feet on the ropes for leverage
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet & Angelo Gomez at 5:42 when Sika pinned Gomez with the Samoan Drop
El Olympico defeated Mark Pole at 2:48
5/6/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
5/24/80 – included the Tony Atlas vs. Jose Estrada match from the 12/1/79 Championship Wrestling:
Larry Sharpe fought Rick McGraw to a 10-minute time-limit draw
Larry Zbyszko defeated El Olympico via count-out at 4:55 after slamming Olympico on the concrete floor
NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Angelo Gomez at 2:38
Pedro Morales defeated Frank Savage at 5:34
Tor Kamata defeated Ricky Stallone at 3:42
5/27/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Rick McGraw (w/ Arnold Skaaland) pinned Moose Monroe with a headscissors; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Skaaland at ringside
Pedro Morales pinned Jose Estrada with a reverse roll up
NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Steve King at 3:02 (5/6/80; Allentown, PA)
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Tony Colon via submission at 2:38 with the swinging neckbreaker (Colon’s debut)
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans defeated Rene Goulet & Jim Duggan
Tony Atlas pinned Manny Siaca at 2:48 with a gorilla press slam
5/27/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
6/7/80 – included a reairing of the Hulk Hogan / Frankie Williams match from the 4/12/80 Championship Wrestling:
Larry Sharpe pinned Steve King at 7:10 with a piledriver
Tor Kamata defeated Angelo Gomez at 5:06
Rick McGraw defeated Larry Zbyszko via disqualification when Zbyszko attacked the referee and also Arnold Skaaland; Bruno Sammartino then made the save
Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet defeated Davey O’Hannon & Jose Estrada at 11:27
Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Charlie Brown at 3:38
5/27/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
6/14/80 – included the Pedro Morales / Baron Mikel Scicluna match from the 6/7/80 All Star Wrestling:
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated El Olympico & George Rosello at 6:01 when Sika pinned Rosello with a Samoan Drop
Tor Kamata defeated Frank Savage
NWA World Champion Harley Race pinned Frank Williams with a suplex at 2:34 (5/6/80; Allentown, PA)
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Charlie Brown via submission with the swinging full nelson; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Patera & Wizard at ringside
Tony Atlas pinned Ron Shaw at 3:01 with a diving headbutt followed by a splash
6/17/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
6/21/80 – included the Pedro Morales vs. Johnny Rodz match from the 6/14/80 All Star Wrestling; featured Vince McMahon interviewing Tony Atlas at ringside, which was interrupted by Ken Patera, with both men arguing they were stronger than the over; Vince suggested they have an arm wrestling challenge with both men accepting for the following week (the interview was taped 4/16 in Hamburg, PA):
Rick McGraw defeated Sylvano Sousa
Dominic DeNucci & Rene Goulet defeated Marc Pole & Moose Monroe
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Angelo Gomez via submission at 2:47 with the Hangman Hold; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Blassie & Hangman at ringside (Hangman’s debut)
Larry Zbyszko pinned Tony Colon at 3:06 with a suplex
6/17/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
6/28/80 – included Vince McMahon conducting a ringside interview with Hulk Hogan & Freddie Blassie:
Pat Patterson defeated Lyndsey Lyle via submission at 7:02 with the stump puller
NWA World Champion Harley Race pinned Jose Estrada at 5:42 with a tombstone
Tony Atlas defeated Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) via disqualification in an arm wrestling challlenge when Patera attacked Atlas with his chair and then tipped the table on top of him (4/16/80; Hamburg, PA)
Larry Zbyszko pinned Angelo Gomez at 6:54 with a suplex; prior to the bout, Zbyszko demanded to be introduced as the “new living legend”
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Frank Williams via submission at 3:24 with the Hangman Hold
Ivan Putski pinned Moose Monroe at 2:56 with the Polish Hammer
6/17/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
7/5/80 – included highlights of the Bruno Sammartino vs. Larry Zbyszko match from the 2/2/80 Championship Wrestling:
Pedro Morales defeated Sylvano Sousa
Larry Sharpe defeated Manny Siaca
Pat Patterson defeated Fred Marzino
Dominic DeNucci & Rene Goulet defeated Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada
Hulk Hogan defeated Charlie Brown
7/8/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
7/12/80 -featured Bruno Sammartino and Larry Zbyszko doing an in-ring weigh-in for their cage match on the 8/9/80 Shea Stadium show (this segment only aired in the NY market); included a replay of the Tony Atlas vs. Ken Patera arm wrestling challenge from the 6/28/80 Championship Wrestling:
Pedro Morales defeated Jose Estrada
Rick Martel pinned Johnny Rodz with a sunset flip (Martel’s debut)
Larry Zbyszko pinned Angelo Gomez at 3:10 with a suplex; during the bout, Tony Garea was shown watching the match in the audience, and then after the bout, Joe McHugh introduced Garea to the crowd, who Vince McMahon then interviewed at ringside to discuss Larry Zbyszko
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans defeated Steve King & Ricky Stallone
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Fred Marzino via submission at 2:48 with the Hangman Hold
7/8/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
7/19/80 – included a replay of the Harley Race vs. Steve King match from the 5/31/80 Championship Wrestling; included the Andre the Giant vs. Scicluna & Rodz handicap match from the 3/29/80 All Star Wrestling:
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Rick McGraw at 6:13 with a suplex
Angel Marvilla defeated Frank Savage
Pat Patterson & Rene Goulet defeated Kid Sharkey & Jose Estrada
Hulk Hogan defeated Ron Shaw
7/8/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
7/26/80 – included a replay of the Harley Race vs. Frank Williams match from the 6/14/80 Championship Wrestling:
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet & Rick McGraw via count-out at 5:47 when Afa was able to get back in the ring before the 10-count when brawling with McGraw on the floor
Rick Martel defeated Lyndsey Lyle
Angel Marvilla defeated Kid Sharkey
Larry Zbyszko pinned Steve King at 2:54 with a suplex; after the bout, Vince McMahon attempted to interview Zbyszko at ringside, and brought out Tony Garea who had been watching the match from ringside, wanting to interview both of them, but Zbyszko left ringside immediately saying if Vince wanted to talk to Garea, then he wasn’t going to talk to him
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund & Pedro Morales defeated Tor Kamata & Jose Estrada at 6:38 when Morales pinned Estrada with a reverse roll up; during the bout, Capt. Lou Albano watched the match from ringside, and briefly joined for commentary and said that the Backlund / Morales team didn’t show him anything; after the bout, Albano entered the ring but was attacked and cleared from the ring by both Backlund and Morales
Hulk Hogan defeated Tony Colon
7/29/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
8/2/80 – included the Tony Atlas vs. Mike Masters match from the 11/24/79 Championship Wrestling:
Pedro Morales defeated BB Coleman via submission with the Boston Crab at 5:11
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Billy Berger via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 4:15 (Slaughter’s debut)
NWA World Champion Harley Race pinned Paul Figeroua at the 19-second mark with a suplex and a kneedrop to the head; prior to the bout, ring announcer Joe McHugh introduced WWF World Champion Bob Backlund, who came to the ring and shook hands with everyone, with Race firmly grabbing Backlund’s hand and staring him down; Vince McMahon then briefly interviewed Backlund at ringside, where he said he was here to study Race as he no doubt would be wrestling him soon, Backlund then left, and Race was interviewed, where he said he had been chasing Backlund all over the world, and that Backlund couldn’t run from him in his own back yard, and said that he was here so there would be only one world champion (the official time was mistakenly announced as 49 seconds, instead of 19)
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Ron Lee via submission with the Hangman Hold at 7:29
Rick Martel pinned Jose Estrada at 6:43 with a hurricanrana; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Martel at ringside
7/29/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
8/9/80 – included the video of Vince McMahon interviewing Andre the Giant in an empty arena, where Andre was stood on a box to make him look much taller:
Pat Patterson pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 8:44 following a dropkick to the back causing Scicluna to run into the corner
WWF World Champion Bob Backlund (w/ Arnold Skaaland) pinned Johnny Rodz at 5:20 in a non-title match with the atomic drop; during the bout, Tony Garea was shown in the audience; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Backlund at ringside
NWA World Champion Harley Race defeated Kid Sharkey
Larry Zbyszko pinned Billy Berger at 3:35 with a suplex; after the bout, Tony Garea came to the ring and stood on the apron and was attacked from behind by Zbyszko and had his shirt ripped off of him; Bruno Sammartino then left the broadcast booth and went up to Garea, who said to Sammartino to do him a favor tonight and break every damn bone in Zbyszko’s body (referring to the Shea Stadium match that night)
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet & Rick McGraw at 6:25 when Sika pinned McGraw with a headbutt; after the bout, Goulet cleared Albano from the ring
7/29/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Marc Pole via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 2:56
NWA World Champion Harley Race pinned Rick McGraw with a suplex at 3:50
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Rene Goulet at 2:17 with a backbreaker over the knee
Women’s Champion the Fabulous Moolah & Beverly Shade defeated Kandi Malloy & Peggy Lee at 9:49 when Moolah pinned Lee with a roll up after Lee missed a dropkick
Tony Garea defeated Jose Estrada via submission with the abdominal stretch at 5:13; after the bout, Bruno Sammmartino interviewed Garea at ringside (Garea’s first match after an 18-month absence)
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Kid Sharkey via submission at 2:37 with the swinging full nelson
8/20/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
8/23/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino; included highlights of the Wild Samoans vs. Bob Backlund & Pedro Morales Tag Team Title change from the 8/9/80 Shea Stadium show, with Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino then announcing that Backlund & Morales had decided themselves to vacate the titles, and that all they wanted was to beat the Samoans, and so now wanted to let someone else have a shot at the title; it was also announced there would be a tournament to crown new champions:
Tony Atlas pinned Jose Estrada at 6:32 following two dropkicks
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Paul Figueroa & Bimbo Larson in a handicap match at 2:28 by pinning both men after kicking Larson in the face
Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Steve King at 2:49
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Rick McGraw at 6:37 after Patera put his legs up when McGraw charged at him in the corner
Rick Martel defeated Johnny Rodz at 4:33
Sgt. Slaughter defeated Angelo Gomez at 2:49
8/20/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
8/30/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino:
Tony Garea defeated Jose Estrada at 5:28
Pedro Morales defeated Mark Pole at 4:46
Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Angelo Gomez & Steve King at 2:37 by pinning King with the Hogan Hammer lariat
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament: Dominic DeNucci & Rick Martel defeated Johnny Rodz & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 6:58 when Martel pinned Rodz with a sunset flip from the ring apron
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Frank Williams via submission at 2:59 with a backbreaker over the knee
Larry Zbyszko pinned Kid Sharkey at 2:46 with a suplex
8/20/80; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse
9/6/80 – select markets included Vince McMahon interviewing Andre the Giant at ringside, which was interrupted by Hulk Hogan & Freddie Blassie, with Blassie challenging Andre for a match with Hogan the following week, which Andre accepted:
Tony Atlas defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna at 7:31
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera defeated Frank Williams
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament: Rene Goulet & Tony Garea defeated Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Kid Sharkey via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 3:56; after the bout, Bruno Sammartino interviewed Slaughter & Wizard at ringside
The Hangman defeated Angelo Gomez
9/9/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
9/13/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon:
Aired in select markets: Andre the Giant fought Hulk Hogan (w/ Freddie Blassie) to a no contest at around the 4-minute mark when Hogan & Blassie left the ring after Hogan dropped Andre and bloodied him with a Hogan Hammer lariat, using a foreign object loaded in his elbow pad; after the match, Vince McMahon interviewed Andre at ringside, with Andre yelling for Hogan to come back out to the ring (Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology) (8/20/80; Hamburg, PA)
Angel Marvilla fought Baron Mikel Scicluna to a draw
Ripper Hawkins (Moondog Rex) (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) pinned Steve King at 4:32 with a shoulderbreaker (Hawkins’ debut)
Pedro Morales defeated Jose Estrada
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Dominic DeNucci & Rick Martel via count-out at 10:54 when DeNucci was unable to make it back in the ring before the 10-count after getting thrown out to the floor
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: Tony Garea & Rene Goulet defeated the Black Demon & Sylvano Sousa at 3:21 when Garea pinned Demon with a reverse roll up
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Angelo Gomez via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 3:02
9/9/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
9/20/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon:
The Hangman defeated Frank Williams
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Angel Marvilla via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 5:03
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Ricky Stallone via submission at 1:04 with the full nelson; after the bout, Patera went up to Vince McMahon, asking where all the challengers were, Pedro Morales then came out and said he would go after Patera, with the two then having a brawl in the ring and Patera ramming his belt down in Morales’ forehead, with Tony Garea, Rene Goulet, & Rick Martel coming out to make the save
WWF Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals: The Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Tony Garea & Rene Goulet at 10:08 to win the titles when Afa pinned Goulet following a double bodyslam behind the referee’s back; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Albano at ringside (the first 2-time tag team champions)
Hulk Hogan defeated Angelo Gomez
Tony Atlas defeated Johnny Rodz
9/9/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
9/27/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon:
Sgt. Slaughter defeated Ricky Stallone
Tony Atlas pinned the Black Demon at 8:01 with a headbutt and a splash
Larry Zbyszko pinned Steve King at 2:44 with a suplex
Tony Garea pinned Baron Mikel Scicluna at 6:54 after hitting him with Scicluna’s own foreign object
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada at 6:32 when Afa pinned Estrada with the Samoan Drop
Moondog Hawkins (Rex) (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) pinned Frank Williams at 2:52 with a shoulderbreaker
9/30/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
10/4/80 – featured Pat Patterson’s debut as commentator on the show, alongside Vince McMahon:
Pedro Morales defeated the Black Demon
Moondog Hawkins (Rex) (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) pinned Charlie Brown with a shoulderbreaker at 5:38
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Angelo Gomez via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 5:56; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Arnold Skaaland, who had watched the match from the ringside, with Skaaland saying he had seen a flaw in Slaughter that he was gonna have Backlund work on
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rene Goulet & Dominic DeNucci via count-out at 6:34 when Goulet was unable to make it back into the ring after being thrown over the top rope and hitting the post as he fell out of the ring
Tony Atlas defeated Sylvano Sousa
Dominic DeNucci defeated Jose Estrada
9/30/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
10/11/80 – hosted bt Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson:
Larry Sharpe defeated Steve King
Tony Atlas defeated Kid Sharkey
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Rick McGraw with a clothesline at 4:22; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Arnold Skaaland, who had been watching the match from the aisle, until Slaughter interrupted and then attacked Skaaland from behind until Rene Goulet and Tony Garea made the save
Pedro Morales defeated Sylvano Sousa via submission with the Boston Crab at 3:29; during the bout, Vince McMahon briefly interviewed Dr. George Zahorian for an update on Arnold Skaaland, who said he was sending Skaaland for an x-ray and that he was very shaken up
The Hangman (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Angel Marvilla via submission at 5:57 with the Hangman Hold
Ernie Ladd defeated Frank Williams at 2:12
9/30/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
10/18/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson:
Andre the Giant defeated Ron Shaw
Moondog Hawkins (Rex) defeated Angelo Gomez
Dominic DeNucci defeated the Black Demon
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans defeated Rick McGraw & Angel Marvilla
Rene Goulet fought Larry Sharpe to a double count-out at 5:32 when both men were brawling on the floor
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Steve King & Angelo Gomez at 2:53 in a handicap match by pinning both men at the same time after hitting the legdrop on both after Ladd laid them on top of each other
10/21/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
10/25/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson:
Rick Martel & Tony Garea defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Frank Savage when Savage submitted to Martel’s abdominal stretch; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed Martel & Garea at ringside
Stan Hansen defeated Charlie Brown (Hansen’s return bout)
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera defeated Marc Pole
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) fought Ron Shaw to a no contest when Slaughter refused to wrestle; Pat Patterson then interviewed Slaughter & Wizard at ringside after Slaughter refused to enter the ring, saying that Slaughter wouldn’t wrestle again until he had some better competition
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Rick Stallone & Frank Williams at 3:15 when Moondog #2 (King) pinned Williams with a splash (debut of the Moondogs tag team)
Dominic DeNucci defeated Jose Estrada
Killer Khan (w/ Capt. Lou Albano, sub. for Freddie Blassie) pinned Steve King at 1:32 with a jumping kneedrop; during the bout, Albano briefly joined the commentary team explaining he was just acting as an advisor while Freddie Blassie was still touring in the Orient (Khan’s debut)
10/21/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
11/1/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson:
Stan Hansen defeated Steve King
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera defeated Marc Pole
Pedro Morales defeated Johnny Rodz
Larry Sharpe defeated Charlie Brown
Dominic DeNucci defeated the Black Demon
WWF Tag Team Champions the Wild Samoans defeated Rick McGraw & Rene Goulet
10/21/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
11/8/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included a reairing of Ernie Ladd vs. Frank Williams from the 9/2/78 Championship Wrestling:
The Hangman pinned Rick McGraw with a back suplex at 8:15
Rick Martel & Tony Garea defeated Johnny Rodz & the Black Demon at 8:30
Tony Atlas defeated Jose Estrada at 4:37
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Steve King & Rene Goulet at 3:54 when Moondog #2 (King) pinned Steve King with a splash
Killer Khan (sub. for Freddie Blassie) pinned Charlie Brown at 2:52 with a jumping kneedrop
11/11/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
11/15/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; featured highlights of the Wild Samoans vs. Martel & Garea Tag Title Match from the the 11/8/80 Philadelphia Spectrum show, with Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson taping new commentary for the match; included a reairing of Hulk Hogan vs. Harry Valdez from the 11/17/79 Championship Wrestling:
Killer Khan (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Angelo Gomez at 4:32 with a jumping kneedrop; after the bout, Khan continued to attack his opponent and threw the referee out of the ring onto the floor; Steve King, Jim Duggan & Angel Marvilla attempted to make the save but were also cleared from the ring; Rick Martel, Tony Garea, & Dominic DeNucci then chased Khan from the ring
Rick McGraw defeated Mark Pole
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera defeated Jim Duggan
The Moondogs defeated Angel Marvilla & Steve King
11/11/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
11/22/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included the Ivan Putski vs. JoJo Andrews match from the 3/8/80 Championship Wrestling:
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Jose Estrada at 5:29 with a boot to the face and a legdrop
Killer Khan (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Rick McGraw via count-out at 3:07 after Khan hit two kneedrops on McGraw on the floor; after the bout, McGraw was taken out on a stretcher; prior to the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Freddie Blassie and told him that he had been fined $1,000 for Khan throwing a referee out of the ring the previous week, Blassie then said he would get Khan to take his anger out on McGraw
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Gene Crespo via submission at 6:09 with the Cobra Clutch
Tony Atlas pinned Sylvano Sousa at 4:16 with a gorilla press slam and a splash
Dominic DeNucci pinned Johnny Rodz with a small package at 4:11
Stan Hansen (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Jim Duggan at 2:58 with the lariat
11/11/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
11/29/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson; included the Hulk Hogan vs. Bill Berger match from the 2/16/80 Championship Wrestling:
Ernie Ladd (w/ the Grand Wizard) pinned Ron Shaw at 5:08 with a legdrop
Stan Hansen (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Gene Crespo at 2:41 with the lariat
Sgt. Slaughter defeated Jim Duggan
The Moondogs (w/ Capt. Lou Albano) defeated Dominic DeNucci & Don Serrano at 3:40 when Moondog #2 pinned Serrano with a splash
WWF Tag Team Champion Tony Garea pinned Sylvano Sousa; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Garea at ringside
Tony Atlas defeated Marc Pole
12/2/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
12/6/80 – hosted by Vince McMahon & Pat Patterson:
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tony Garea defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Sylvano Sousa at 9:32 when Martel pinned Sousa with a dropkick off the top; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed the champions at ringside where Garea presented Martel with an award from All Japan Sports News for the 1980 WWF Wrestler of the Year
Rick McGraw defeated Ron Shaw
Pedro Morales defeated John Callahan
Sgt. Slaughter defeated Manny Siaca
Dominic DeNucci defeated Jose Estrada (12/3/80; Hamburg, PA)
Killer Khan defeated Steve King
12/2/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
12/13/80 – included the Hulk Hogan vs. Angelo Gomez match from the 2/2/80 Championship Wrestling; included the Stan Hansen vs. Jim Duggan match from the 11/29/80 Championship Wrestling:
Pedro Morales defeated Mike Schmidt
Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Rick Stallone
Killer Khan pinned Manny Siaca with a kneedrop off the top; after the bout, Siaca was taken out on a stretcher
WWF IC Champion Ken Patera defeated Charlie Brown; Patera was not introduced as the IC Champion, nor did he appear with the belt
The Moondogs defeated Dominic DeNucci & Rick McGraw
12/2/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
12/20/80 – included the Hulk Hogan vs. Frank Williams match from the 7/5/80 All Star Wrestling; included the Tony Atlas vs. Mike Masters match from the 11/24/79 Championship Wrestling:
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tony Garea defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Ron Shaw
Killer Khan (w/ Capt. Lou Albano, sub. for Freddie Blassie) pinned Rick Stallone with the jumping kneedrop at 5:12
Sgt. Slaughter (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Charlie Brown via submission with the Cobra Clutch at 5:31; after the bout, Pat Patterson interviewed Slaughter & the Grand Wizard at ringside, with Slaughter saying he would give anyone who could break the Cobra Clutch $5,000; moments later, Patterson said it would probably be easier for someone to break the hold if they weren’t already beaten down by Slaughter, with Slaughter then offering Patterson a chance to break the hold but Patterson declining
Rick McGraw pinned Sylvano Sousa with a flying bodypress at 3:15
12/16/80; Allentown, PA; Agricultural Hall
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick Martel & Tony Garea defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Frank Savage
Killer Khan (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Charlie Brown at 5:03 with a jumping kneedrop
Tony Atlas defeated Jose Estrada
Stan Hansen (w/ Freddie Blassie) pinned Rick McGraw at 4:35 with the lariat
The Moondogs defeated Jim Duggan & Steve King
WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales defeated Ron Shaw